(Esse é  um jogo fiz sozinho para um projeto de curso)

O inferno está em colapso! Desvie das almas condenadas e siga as esferas azuis  para escapar do submundo.

Ao tocar uma esfera azul pule novamente no ar para alcançar as plataformas mais altas, elas guiam à saída!


Cima  =   W 

Esquerda =  A 

Direita =   D 


Hellescape.zip 2 MB


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I had an absolute blast playing this game! I created a captivating video and even put together a comprehensive review. If you could do me the incredible favor of subscribing to my YouTube channel, it would mean the world to me!

Hell Escape Indie Game Speed Run - World Record Attempt & Tips - YouTube

uhnn is this AI generated ?... sounds like chatGPT


haha nope. I Wish though, it would make creating videos so much easier. 

hah sorry, i just didn't expect any comments here, i watched your video and saw you got stuck inside a block, i wish i could fix this but Construct is really bad with solid blocks